My urgent tone spoke to my sons, “Cross the street at the appropriate place, choose friends well, don’t drive fearlessly, and treat others with kindness and compassion.” Things I thought would keep them safe and make them better men someday. I wanted a better life-map for them than the one I had selected for my decisions. The world’s opinion had been my reference for right and wrong. But God loved me enough to change my compass in time for me to adjust theirs. The Bible became our life-map.

Maps are a handy tool when traveling to a new location. They can be confusing, and not always helpful, when we use public transportation. A  few years back, I navigated train and bus systems carefully; I was in a foreign country. The wrong train or bus can lead us far from our desired destination. But what guide do we choose to direct our life path?

The world’s view of Life-map: Per Google, “A life-map is a timeline that includes key moments from the past, helping you gain a broader perspective of the goals…”.

God’s view of Life-map: Proverbs 4:20, 21; 25-27 (ESV)

“Be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart.

Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.”

        This Proverb directs basic senses and attention. Starting with our ears, then our eyes, we transition to achieve the ultimate goal, our heart. The writer, King Solomon, calls for us to build barriers around these words. We are to construct impenetrable walls to protect these precious valuables, these words of caution. “Keep them within our heart”; at the forefront of our mind as true, honorable women, pleasing to God.

God’s words are life-giving. They are a preemptive stance to guard our hearts, minds, and temptations of the flesh.

Where are you going? Will your map lead to a better life? Stepping onto a new path, away from current decision-making methods, can be scary. We can’t see far enough down the road to trust the path. When we walk in the counsel of the Lord, we only need to trust Him. He knows the way. His destination is eternity.

Father, thank You for providing us with a map for life. May we use it wisely and to its full potential. Give us courage, discernment, and Christian sisters to walk with as we travel.

In Jesus name, Amen