“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 ESV).


Every woman on the planet is tired. Can I get an Amen? We take the labors of our daily lives and layer on the emotional vesting poured into others. We are women. This is what we do because God in His wisdom created us to be the heart of our families. We grieve, pray desperately, and collapse when our world shatters. We love deeply and bask in the joys and laughter when presented to us. Yes, we are women.

Approaching our peak of exhaustion forces us to reprioritize. We seek physical, mental, and spiritual rest.

Physically the years bring body aches and pain. Sleep may become evasive.

The mental juggling of life’s eggs leads to one or more crashing to the ground.

And, amid our challenges to be everything to everyone, we neglect to take care of the most important area, our spiritual nurturing. We fail to allow our Savior to cradle us in His arms and whisper sweet encouragements.

We use our life-map, the Bible to move forward. It feeds and nurtures us. Sleep is often restored as we cease to solve the day’s issues. Mentally and spiritually we surrender them to Jesus. If our relationship with Christ is not moving forward, it retreats toward the past. There is no standing still.

Father, thank you for creating us as women. Help us to manage our lives and surrender our burdens to you more quickly. We want to trust you in all things. Thank you for your promise of rest.

In Jesus name, Amen