Joy moves across my face when I add a new sister to my roster of friends. I cherish their infusion of zeal, how they hold me accountable, and push me to address questions thought of long ago. A tapestry of cultures, races, ages, new to the faith, seasoned followers, rich and poor, varying levels of education. I love them all and am grateful they cross my path. They are part of my family.

I, like so many others, am a little fascinated by the royal family. Not in an obsessive way, just in general. I examine the jewels and gowns, the etiquette requirements, the history of it all. I was sad to see the passing of Queen Elizabeth yet happy believing she went home to Jesus. I respected her for stepping into her role at such a young age with a firm commitment to excellence. It is recorded she never missed a Sunday service. If the family vacationed, their chaplain traveled with them. She served in the military alongside her countrymen. And after the horrendous bombing of her country and its people by Hitler ended, it was she who approached Germany with an outstretched hand to mend the relationship with her neighbor. Although she lived in immense wealth, she never projected an attitude of superiority. She was my sister in Christ, and I valued her from afar.

Some of us come from loving, caring families. Others never know family. And others find themselves walking away from the toxicity of some family members. We, as Christians, have been adopted into the family of God. Blood family is important to me. Yet I recognize the worth of my family create with God as the center.

1 Timothy 6:15– “Which he will display at the proper time—he who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords.”

Revelation 19:16– “On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.”

Jesus is the King of kings. By His blood we are members in the ultimate Royal family. We are Princesses in the kingdom of heaven. We have riches beyond measure stored in our hearts. Do we represent ourselves as princesses? Do we show compassion and grace to unlikely neighbors? Do we submit to God or are we so proud of our accomplishments others can’t see God in our lives?

Father, we submit our hearts to You, Your will. Thank You for pressing these truths into our hearts and minds. Help us be more deliberate in getting to know our neighbors. May they see You when they see us, Your daughters. In Jesus name, Amen